When IT Stops Working: Understanding the Common Causes

At the end of the day, when issues do occur, having a reliable IT support team or professional service provider can make all the difference in minimizing downtime and restoring functionality swiftly. By staying vigilant and proactive, we can continue to harness the power of technology effectively in our daily lives.

Embracing AI in IT: Leveraging Innovation, Managing Risks

Embracing AI in IT: Leveraging Innovation, Managing Risks

By understanding AI’s capabilities and limitations, setting clear guidelines for its use, and staying ahead of technological advancements, we not only mitigate risks but also unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation in our IT endeavors. Embracing AI isn’t just about smart thinking—it’s about smart business.

The Evolving Role of CIOs and CTOs

The Evolving Role of CIOs and CTOs

As we navigate this transformative era where IT leaders move from the server room to the boardroom, the importance of their strategic involvement cannot be overstated. Embracing this shift enables organizations to harness technology’s full potential, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage. It’s time to reimagine the roles of CIOs and CTOs, empowering them to lead with vision and drive tangible business outcomes.

Empowering Women Leaders in the IT Industry

Empowering Women Leaders in the IT Industry

In the dynamic landscape of the IT industry, women are making significant strides, breaking barriers, and redefining leadership. While challenges persist, their influence and impact are undeniable, shaping the future of technology and business. We are thankful for the 12+ years of leadership of Ashley May here at Logic Speak.

Cyber Security Hygiene Top 10

Cyber Security Hygiene Top 10

We all have to be vigilant when it comes to cyber security. Check out these tips on good online hygiene to minimize your security risks. Bottomline: have complicated passwords, don’t click on anything and use MFA.

A Reflection on IT Leadership in Atlanta

A Reflection on IT Leadership in Atlanta

As we celebrate two decades of technological excellence and business success in the Roswell / Alpharetta area, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the journey, growth, and the invaluable lessons learned in the realm of IT leadership. From the early days of dial-up internet to the era of cloud computing, our commitment to innovation has been the driving force behind our sustained success.

7 Tips to Ensure Your Cybersecurity Safety

7 Tips to Ensure Your Cybersecurity Safety

In today’s digital age, ensuring your cybersecurity is more critical than ever. With the constant threat of cyberattacks and data breaches, it’s essential to take proactive steps to protect your online presence. In this article, we’ll provide you with seven actionable tips to enhance your cybersecurity and safeguard your digital life.

Tech Talk vs Teen Speak

Tech Talk vs Teen Speak

LIT. Yeet. Gucci. Have you heard those phrases and wondered what the heck these kids are saying? Well, we know that's how IT can sound sometimes too. We appreciate a good sense of humor and try to make IT make sense. Take a minute and watch our President, Jason...

The Power of Personalized Outsourcing

The Power of Personalized Outsourcing

For smaller firms, like Aulick Engineering, having an in-house IT person isn’t always feasible. But trusting an outside pro is a leap of faith. That’s why the personal aspect of a dedicated team is so important to Aulick.

Elevating IT: cultivating a secure and strategic business plan

Elevating IT: cultivating a secure and strategic business plan

Jason Etheridge, Founder and President of Logic Speak, joined host John Ray on this episode of North Fulton Business Radio. He discussed how small businesses typically approach IT strategy and planning, how Logic Speak creates a comprehensive IT strategic plan for clients, how small businesses can stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends, and much more.

5 Reasons Why Non-Profits Should Consider Outsourcing IT

5 Reasons Why Non-Profits Should Consider Outsourcing IT

As a non-profit organization, it’s important to make the most of your resources and ensure that your IT infrastructure is running smoothly and efficiently. One way to do this is by working with a managed service provider (MSP). Here are five reasons why non-profits should consider using an MSP.

IT Planning for 2023

IT Planning for 2023

You may be planning business goals for 2023. Are you including IT in those plans? Here’s why it’s important.

Taking the stress out of a glitchy system

Taking the stress out of a glitchy system

Longview Wealth Management’s glitchy network resulted in expensive downtime and the inability to conduct business. It went from a frustration to a real problem they needed to handle quickly. Here’s how Logic Speak solved it.

How Secure is Your IT?

How Secure is Your IT?

Cyberattacks and other network security threats aren’t simply issues for the Amazons and IBMs of the world — they happen just as often with small and mid-sized businesses as they do with larger corporations.Any network is a potential target for cybercriminals, and...

6 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business

6 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Business

Are we in a recession?  Is it looming out there on the horizon like an impending storm? Is it going to happen at all? Good questions. The answers depend on who you ask. But one thing is for sure: Whether a recession hits us or not right now, it will happen sometime....

3 Challenges Keeping IT Managers Up At Night

3 Challenges Keeping IT Managers Up At Night

As an IT manager or owner of a small business, technology worries and challenges may be keeping you up at night. According to a new survey by Evanta, 2022 is bringing new tech challenges to the workplace. Here are some of the issues IT managers and CIOs are concerned...

Having Trouble Hiring IT Pros?

Having Trouble Hiring IT Pros?

IT Professionals are in High Demand Are you seeking qualified IT support professionals in the Atlanta and South Carolina regions? If you are, you're not alone. IT pros are in high demand in this region and around the country. More and more companies are turning to the...

Designing a safe remote work strategy

Designing a safe remote work strategy

Cybersecurity at home Over the past few blogs, we’ve discussed how we got to where we are with remote work as well as the challenges and considerations that are key to making a remote work environment permanent for your employees. In this blog, we answer the question,...

Technology considerations for remote work

Technology considerations for remote work

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who are considering moving to fully remote or hybrid remote work scenarios must ensure that their technology infrastructure can support this move. In the tight labor market, a frustrating remote work experience caused by...

Addressing the challenges of remote work

Addressing the challenges of remote work

If you decide to make remote work permanent for your SMB—whether fully or partially—it is imperative to develop a remote work strategy to replace the band-aid approach you may have taken to get your remote employees up and running when COVID first hit. Yes, your...

We want to take the stress out of technology for you and your business.
Contact us to learn how our cyber security services will guide you so you never have to worry about threats to your technology and network.

"Thanks for the quick follow up and the thorough job. It was nice to have my issue taken care of while I was away.”

Ricky W.

“You always take care of any issues we have! It is a pleasure working with you!”

Kristan K.

“You are always so pleasant and helpful!”

Larrica H.

“As always, Logicspeak staff does a terrific job in a timely manner. Thank you!”

Katherine Office Manager, Software Development Firm

“Efficient and friendly, always appreciated!”

Jose, Labor Management Firm

“This company is amazing! I’d recommend them to anybody needing professional computer tech support for a business!”

John D.Achieve Web Design, Inc.

“We’ve worked with Logic Speak for more than 5 years and they’ve grown to part of our organization. I trust the guys at Logic Speak. I know that they stand behind their word and will do whatever it takes to make our systems run as smoothly as possible.”

Doug Fisher, Fisher Engineering

“If things are not working properly, then we are generally in crisis mode. I get concerned when folks cannot use the tools that I pay for, and I feel like I am just flushing money. Our business is deadline driven (permits, construction schedules) where there are major dollar implications if we do not meet our obligations. Logic Speak helps us stay on top of things and keep us up and running.”

Bill Peltier, William J. Peltier and Associates

“I needed an IT company that understood the challenges that we face as an engineering company. Logic Speak is that company! Now I don’t have to think about technology; I can devote time to our clients and projects knowing that they have everything under control!

Jill Gilbert, Holt Consulting Company

“We want partners that care as much about our business as we care about our clients. Not only does Logic Speak go the extra mile to meet our IT needs, they also randomly drop by just to bring us donuts and see how we’re doing.”

Jennifer Aulick, Aulick Engineering 

“Great work. Efficient and effective. Thank you!”

Tom Owner, HR Recruiting Firm