Managed IT Services:


Top Atlanta and South Carolina IT Consulting Services

Our team provides services that your users never see but are essential to the successful operation of your business and security of your data.

Let us orchestrate your operation

We work behind the scenes so you don’t have to.

Like most business owners and managers, you probably prefer running your business rather than worrying about the behind-the-scenes foundational tools that run your IT. You want your technology to just work. And it should. But what many business owners don’t know is, your IT may be humming along as calm as a duck on the surface of a lake. What you don’t see is the furious paddling that’s going on under the surface. As it should be. You should be focusing on your business. Let us do the job of orchestrating your IT so it supports you and propels you forward, not weighs you down.

Keeping those tools configured, secure and up to date is essential to business success today. But finding people with the know-how to do it all — especially on a small or medium-sized budget — can be difficult. That’s where our Orchestrate service can help.

The Orchestrate team provides services that your users never see but are essential to the successful operation of your business and security of your data. From firmware updates on your firewall and network devices to daily backup checks to monitoring your security operation and automating manual processes, we make sure everything is up and running.

Logic Speak’s Orchestrate Services

How we keep your business humming and prevent downtime.

With Orchestrate, your organization gets the benefit of a comprehensive team of experienced IT professionals that run all behind-the-scenes IT operations. These are operations that your users never see, but that are essential to the successful operation of your business and security of your data. From firmware updates on your firewall and network devices to daily backup checks to monitoring your security operation and automating manual processes, your Orchestrate team keeps your business up and running and secure.

Here are some of the Orchestrate services we provide:


Logic Speak maintains your existing automation routines and identifies new areas for possible automation. We work hard behind the scenes to make sure your technology simply works, without you thinking about it.

Managed Service Foundations

Your Orchestrate team deploys and configures Logic Speak’s Managed Service Foundations, trains internal staff in their use, and maintains and supports the programs. Foundations include Endpoint Management, Remote Connectivity, Centralized Antivirus/Antimalware, Server Backups, Email Filtering and DNS Protection.

Network Monitoring

Logic Speak monitors alerts for network and security operations and resolves them. We also monitor your servers, anti-virus consoles and more. The goal with much of what we do is to prevent problems from happening, resulting in less costly downtime for your business. We put out those fires before they start. This can include anything from security breaches to network issues to server slowdowns and more.

Patch and Firmware Management

We check the status of your patches, coordinate patching, and monitor, maintain and install updates for network device firmware. That’s a rather technical way of describing something simple: Updates. We make sure all updates are installed on the machines we manage. It’s about monitoring operating systems, applications, network equipment and other devices to not only provide updates but to check for vulnerabilities.

Business and Email Backups

Is there a better, faster, easier, more efficient way to do it? We tackle any cumbersome processes that may be weighing you down. Many clients come to us with systems that have been cobbled together. They may have been using that same system for a while, and don’t realize there’s an easier way. We specialize in streamlining systems and processes so you can get the job done faster.

Logic Speak performs daily business continuity checks to ensure successful backups and data protection.


Concerns over data breaches or other security matters can keep small business owners and managers awake at night. From device breaches to crypto miners to network traffic going to or from a country on the cyber terror watch list — Orchestrate has you covered. Logic Speak monitors your security tools provided with our Managed Service Foundations. When an alert is issued, we validate or invalidate it and escalate when necessary.

The goal of a great cybersecurity plan is to make sure you don’t fall prey to an attack that could kill productivity inside your company.

The Logic Speak Difference

We don’t support computers. We support you.

All companies have IT issues. It’s just a part of life in today’s world. At Logic Speak, it’s our job to make sure IT-related problems don’t impact your workflow, your productivity or your bottom line.

Whether you need an overall IT plan, better technical support or just updated hardware and software, we’re your guides to help you navigate the complexities of the technology that powers your business.

All managed IT services companies offer support. Logic Speak offers a comprehensive approach to address all of your IT needs. From strategy to implementation to day-to-day help, Logic Speak’s mission is to have a positive impact on YOU.

Let Us Take the Stress out of Technology for You and Your Business

Logic Speak offers you IT peace of mind so you can focus on what you do best.