Connectivity and its impact on your business

At Logic Speak, we understood the enormous impact of connectivity on your organization even before the pandemic. But COVID-19 has magnified these impacts exponentially. Organizations that have invested in both technological and human connectivity—especially via cloud solutions and comprehensive collaboration—are weathering the storm most effectively. 

Most of us think of connectivity only when it isn’t there. Our Internet goes down, a server is off-line, or the network isn’t available, and we cannot do our work or other activities as planned. But the impact of connectivity goes way beyond how it inhibits your business if it doesn’t work. Connectivity’s greatest impact is how it enables businesses not only during COVID-19, but during normal business operations.

Agility & Efficiency

From a technological connectivity perspective, Covid-19 showed us that companies that had invested in cloud-based infrastructures had an easier time pivoting to remote work. This is because everything their employees needed to do their jobs could already be accessed from anywhere. The more a company is invested in cloud, the more agile it is—the more it can adapt quickly and efficiently to changes in the business market. Cloud provides the flexibility to adapt to new market (or pandemic) realities and the scalability to adjust to growth or contraction. It does this by enabling resources to be provisioned quickly, providing faster time to market, and allowing businesses to pay only for the resources they use. During COVID, we have seen several examples of businesses showing their agility by adapting products, services, and delivery in just a few months or even weeks.


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Cloud also enables agility and efficiency from the human connectivity standpoint we discussed in a previous blog. Cloud-based tools such as Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams allow your staff to pivot to a new way of working quickly and easily so they can keep working efficiently no matter what’s going on in the market or wider world. Since they were already collaborating effectively, utilizing these tools during the shutdowns enabled our clients’ employees to work just as they did in the office, providing a high level of efficiency even when they were in separate locations.

Technological connectivity makes human connectivity possible. And human connectivity makes human collaboration possible. In our blog about human connectivity, we discussed Microsoft Teams online meetings and the value of being able to read body language and facial expressions. Certainly, the impact of seeing your coworkers and operating as close to normal as possible in those meetings is enormously positive to your business. Many of our customers were already using Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams to stay connected and collaborate. Now they can continue to use tools such as one-on-one and group chat, team and project rooms, real-time group editing, rich online meetings with white boarding, audio conferencing, and more to connect with each other, partners, and customers. Is it the same as shaking hands and gathering together? No, but it is the next best thing during COVID, and it helps them stay safe and work productively no matter where they are.

In our series of collaboration blogs, we discussed the alarming security statistics for small and medium-sized organizations before COVID and how attacks had increased enormously after COVID-19 remote work began. All it takes is one employee working from home who logs onto your physical network while his son’s friend is logged onto the home network with a device infected with malware to put your company at risk. Operating your business through the cloud offers your organization greater security than on-prem infrastructure. And cloud-based collaboration tools such as Microsoft 365 Business Premium provide all of the Microsoft tools you want combined with security solutions such as Defender, Azure Information Protection, Intune, and more, enabling you to keep your business up and running now and in the future.

Finding the right partner
Small and medium-sized organizations rarely have the skilled staff or resources to handle connectivity successfully on their own. That’s where Logic Speak can help. We are a trusted, proven technology partner that eats, drinks, and breaths connectivity every day. Acting as a consultative expert, we work to understand your business problems and requirements and find the best solutions to meet your connectivity needs. Then we configure, set up, and provision access to your connectivity systems, and ensure they are delivering as promised and are optimized for maximum benefit. You can leave connectivity to us and focus on your core business operations, not technology problems.

A word about cost
Leveraging a managed services provider offers a profound cost savings, especially when compared with hiring the myriad internal resources necessary to manage today’s complicated connectivity environments. With our device-based cost structure, Logic Speak can streamline and enhance your company’s connectivity while cutting costs and reducing the amount of time, stress, and headaches related to meeting your company’s connectivity requirements. In addition, cloud hosting means you can eliminate the cost of investing in expensive physical infrastructure, licensing new software, and training new employees. In turn, this saves you money and allows you to focus on your business.

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